There are a number of reasons your payment may have been declined. Please take a minute to check the following:
If you have insufficient funds in your chosen bank account.
If you entered the wrong card number by mistake.
If your card has expired.
If your bank denied the transaction without specifying a reason. This can sometimes occur with international payments. Contact your bank if you believe this is the case.
For app purchases:
Ensure your Apple ID or Google Play account is linked to a valid credit card or PayPal account.
Make sure there are no restrictions or parental locks on your Apple ID or Google Play account that could be preventing the payment from processing.
If you’re still experiencing difficulty making a payment on the web, click the Help button at the bottom of your screen in the Help and Settings sections. If you are using the app, click the Me > PROFILE > Help Me. Alternatively, send an email to [email protected] with your subscription details, and we’ll investigate this for you.